O objetivo deste exercício é desenvolver um analisador sintático para um subconjunto da linguagem de descrição Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL). Seu programa deve receber como argumento dois arquivos: um contendo uma descrição de domínio e outro contendo uma descrição de problema, ambos em PDDL. O programa deve analisar o conteúdo e responder se os códigos-fonte from aceitos ou não sitaticamente, caso não, deverá também apresentar a linha do arquivo na qual o primeiro erro foi encontrado.
Seu programa deverá receber como parâmetro dois arquivos de texto nos quais contenham os modelos-fonte de domínio e problema em PDDL a serem analisados, respectivamente nessa ordem.
O seu programa deverá imprimir, via stdout
, uma única linha para cada entrada
conforme as seguintes regras:
se o código estiver
sintaticamente correto.Rejected: <file> at line N
se houver um
erro sintático. Substitua
pelo nome do arquivo e
pelo número da linha na qual o primeiro erro foi encontrado.Regras de Prioridade:
O formato de saída deve ser exatamente como mostrado no exemplo abaixo.
(define (domain fliaswitch)
(:requirements :strips)
(:predicates (switch-is-on) (switch-is-off))
(:action switch-on
:parameters ()
:precondition (switch-is-off)
:effect (and (switch-is-on) (not (switch-is-off))))
(:action switch-off
:parameters ()
:precondition (switch-is-on)
:effect (and (switch-is-off) (not (switch-is-on)))))
(define (problem turn-it-on)
(:domain fliaswitch)
(:init (switch-is-off))
(:goal (switch-is-on)))
(define (domain caminhando)
;; BCR compra dindin na FGA :)
(:types lugar dindin)
(Ligado ?l1 ?l2 - lugar)
(estou-em ?l - lugar)
(passei-em ?l - lugar)
(comprar-dindin ?d - dindin)
(tem-dindin ?d - dindin)
(lugar-eh ?l1 ?l2 - lugar))
(:action mover
:parameters (?l1 ?l2 - lugar)
:precondition (and (estou-em ?l1) (or (Ligado ?l1 ?l2) (Ligado ?l2 ?l1)))
:effect (and (not (estou-em ?l1)) (passei-em ?l2) (estou-em ?l2)
(not (lugar-eh ?l1 ?l1)) (lugar-eh ?l2 ?l2)))
(:action comprardindin
:parameters (?l - lugar ?d - dindin)
:precondition (and (lugar-eh ?l DindinGourmet) (tem-dindin ?d))
:effect (and (comprar-dindin ?d) (not (tem-dindin ?d))))
(:action comprar-todos-dindin
:parameters (?l - lugar)
:precondition (and (forall (?d - dindin) (tem-dindin ?d)) (lugar-eh ?l DindinGourmet))
:effect (forall (?d - dindin) (and (comprar-dindin ?d)
(not (tem-dindin ?d)))))
(:action terremoto
:parameters ()
:precondition (forall (?l - lugar) (and (forall (?d - dindin) (and))))
:effect (forall (?l1 - lugar) (forall (?l2 - lugar)
(not (Ligado ?l1 ?l2))))))
(define (problem indoparaobrt)
(:domain caminhando)
(:objects S7 CorredorS Escada CorredorI Patio IO-UAC Calcada-UAC Calcada-UED SaidaP1 DindinGourmet SaidaCarro1 SaidaP2 PistaCooper Avenida BrT - lugar
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 - dindin)
(Ligado S7 CorredorS)
(Ligado CorredorS Escada)
(Ligado Escada CorredorI)
(Ligado CorredorI Patio)
(Ligado Patio IO-UAC)
(Ligado IO-UAC Calcada-UAC)
(Ligado Calcada-UAC Calcada-UED)
(Ligado Calcada-UED DindinGourmet)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP1)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP2)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaCarro1)
(Ligado SaidaP1 PistaCooper)
(Ligado SaidaP2 PistaCooper)
(Ligado SaidaCarro1 PistaCooper)
(Ligado PistaCooper Avenida)
(Ligado Avenida BrT)
(estou-em S7)
(lugar-eh S7 S7)
(passei-em S7)
(tem-dindin d1)
(tem-dindin d2)
(tem-dindin d3)
(tem-dindin d4)
(tem-dindin d5)
(tem-dindin d6)
(tem-dindin d7)
(tem-dindin d8)
(tem-dindin d9))
;; REMOVE '(' BEFORE forall
(:goal (and (estou-em Calcada-UED) forall (?d - dindin) (not (tem-dindin ?d))) (not (Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP1)))))
Rejected: /tmp/in/problem-fga.pddl at line 35
(define (:types lugar dindin)
(domain caminhando)
;; BCR compra dindin na FGA :)
(Ligado ?l1 ?l2 - lugar)
(estou-em ?l - lugar)
(passei-em ?l - lugar)
(comprar-dindin ?d - dindin)
(tem-dindin ?d - dindin)
(lugar-eh ?l1 ?l2 - lugar))
(:action mover
:parameters (?l1 ?l2 - lugar)
:precondition (and (estou-em ?l1) (or (Ligado ?l1 ?l2) (Ligado ?l2 ?l1)))
:effect (and (not (estou-em ?l1)) (passei-em ?l2) (estou-em ?l2)
(not (lugar-eh ?l1 ?l1)) (lugar-eh ?l2 ?l2)))
(:action comprardindin
:parameters (?l - lugar ?d - dindin)
:precondition (and (lugar-eh ?l DindinGourmet) (tem-dindin ?d))
:effect (and (comprar-dindin ?d) (not (tem-dindin ?d))))
(:action comprar-todos-dindin
:parameters (?l - lugar)
:precondition (and (forall (?d - dindin) (tem-dindin ?d)) (lugar-eh ?l DindinGourmet))
:effect (forall (?d - dindin) (and (comprar-dindin ?d)
(not (tem-dindin ?d)))))
(:action terremoto
:parameters ()
:precondition (forall (?l - lugar) (and (forall (?d - dindin) (and))))
:effect (forall (?l1 - lugar) (forall (?l2 - lugar)
(not (Ligado ?l1 ?l2))))))
(define (problem indoparaobrt)
(:domain caminhando)
(:objects S7 CorredorS Escada CorredorI Patio IO-UAC Calcada-UAC Calcada-UED SaidaP1 DindinGourmet SaidaCarro1 SaidaP2 PistaCooper Avenida BrT - lugar
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 - dindin)
(Ligado S7 CorredorS)
(Ligado CorredorS Escada)
(Ligado Escada CorredorI)
(Ligado CorredorI Patio)
(Ligado Patio IO-UAC)
(Ligado IO-UAC Calcada-UAC)
(Ligado Calcada-UAC Calcada-UED)
(Ligado Calcada-UED DindinGourmet)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP1)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP2)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaCarro1)
(Ligado SaidaP1 PistaCooper)
(Ligado SaidaP2 PistaCooper)
(Ligado SaidaCarro1 PistaCooper)
(Ligado PistaCooper Avenida)
(Ligado Avenida BrT)
(estou-em S7)
(lugar-eh S7 S7)
(passei-em S7)
(tem-dindin d1)
(tem-dindin d2)
(tem-dindin d3)
(tem-dindin d4)
(tem-dindin d5)
(tem-dindin d6)
(tem-dindin d7)
(tem-dindin d8)
(tem-dindin d9))
;; BCR compra TUDO :0
(:goal (and (estou-em Calcada-UED) (forall (?d - dindin) (not (tem-dindin ?d))) (not (Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP1)))))
Rejected: /tmp/in/domain.pddl at line 1
(define (domain fliaswitch)(:requirements :strips)(:predicates(switch-is-on)(switch-is-off))(:action switch-on :parameters() :precondition(switch-is-off) :effect(and(switch-is-on)(not(switch-is-off))))(:action switch-off :parameters() :precondition(switch-is-on) :effect(and(switch-is-off)(not(switch-is-on)))));; oneline no spaces
(define(problem turn-it-on)(:domain fliaswitch)(:init(switch-is-off))(:goal(switch-is-on)));; oneline no spaces
(define (domain caminhando)
;; BCR compra dindin na FGA :)
(:types lugar dindin)
(Ligado ?l1 ?l2 - lugar)
(estou-em ?l - lugar)
(passei-em ?l - lugar)
(comprar-dindin ?d - dindin)
(tem-dindin ?d - dindin)
(lugar-eh ?l1 ?l2 - lugar))
(:action mover
:parameters (?l1 ?l2 - lugar)
:precondition (and (estou-em ?l1) (or (Ligado ?l1 ?l2) (Ligado ?l2 ?l1)))
:effect (and (not (estou-em ?l1)) (passei-em ?l2) (estou-em ?l2)
(not (lugar-eh ?l1 ?l1)) (lugar-eh ?l2 ?l2)))
(:action comprardindin
:parameters (?l - lugar ?d - dindin)
:precondition (and (lugar-eh ?l DindinGourmet) (tem-dindin ?d))
:effect (and (comprar-dindin ?d) (not (tem-dindin ?d))))
(:action comprar-todos-dindin
:parameters (?l - lugar)
:precondition (and (forall (?d - dindin) (tem-dindin ?d)) (lugar-eh ?l DindinGourmet))
:effect (forall (?d - dindin) (and (comprar-dindin ?d)
(not (tem-dindin ?d)))))
(:action terremoto
:parameters ()
:precondition (forall (?l - lugar) (and (forall (?d - dindin) (and))))
:effect (forall (?l1 - lugar) (forall (?l2 - lugar)
(not (Ligado ?l1 ?l2))))))
(define (problem indoparaobrt)
(:domain caminhando)
(:objects S7 CorredorS Escada CorredorI Patio IO-UAC Calcada-UAC Calcada-UED SaidaP1 DindinGourmet SaidaCarro1 SaidaP2 PistaCooper Avenida BrT - lugar
d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 - dindin)
(Ligado S7 CorredorS)
(Ligado CorredorS Escada)
(Ligado Escada CorredorI)
(Ligado CorredorI Patio)
(Ligado Patio IO-UAC)
(Ligado IO-UAC Calcada-UAC)
(Ligado Calcada-UAC Calcada-UED)
(Ligado Calcada-UED DindinGourmet)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP1)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP2)
(Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaCarro1)
(Ligado SaidaP1 PistaCooper)
(Ligado SaidaP2 PistaCooper)
(Ligado SaidaCarro1 PistaCooper)
(Ligado PistaCooper Avenida)
(Ligado Avenida BrT)
(estou-em S7)
(lugar-eh S7 S7)
(passei-em S7)
(tem-dindin d1)
(tem-dindin d2)
(tem-dindin d3)
(tem-dindin d4)
(tem-dindin d5)
(tem-dindin d6)
(tem-dindin d7)
(tem-dindin d8)
(tem-dindin d9))
:parameters ()
:precondition (and)
:effect (and))
;; BCR compra TUDO :0
(:goal (and (estou-em Calcada-UED) (forall (?d - dindin) (not (tem-dindin ?d))) (not (Ligado Calcada-UED SaidaP1)))))
Rejected: /tmp/in/problem.pddl at line 34
(define (domain snake)
(:requirements :strips :negative-preconditions)
;up down left right of a field
;the last field of the snake
(tailsnake ?x)
;the first field of the snake
(headsnake ?x)
;pieces of the snake that are connected. from front to back
(nextsnake ?x ?y)
;a field that is occupied by the snake or by an obstacle
(blocked ?x)
;next point that will spawn
(spawn ?x)
;point y will spawn after point x
;a field that has a point that can be collected by the snake
(ispoint ?x)
(:action move
;; REMOVE '?' BEFORE newhead
:parameters (?head newhead ?tail ?newtail)
(headsnake ?head)
(ISADJACENT ?head ?newhead)
(tailsnake ?tail)
(nextsnake ?newtail ?tail)
(not (blocked ?newhead))
(not (ispoint ?newhead))
(blocked ?newhead)
(headsnake ?newhead)
(nextsnake ?newhead ?head)
(not (headsnake ?head))
(not (blocked ?tail))
(not (tailsnake ?tail))
(not (nextsnake ?newtail ?tail))
(tailsnake ?newtail)
(:action move-and-eat-spawn
:parameters (?head ?newhead ?spawnpoint ?nextspawnpoint)
(headsnake ?head)
(ISADJACENT ?head ?newhead)
(not (blocked ?newhead))
(ispoint ?newhead)
(spawn ?spawnpoint)
(NEXTSPAWN ?spawnpoint ?nextspawnpoint)
(not (= ?spawnpoint dummypoint))
(blocked ?newhead)
(headsnake ?newhead)
(nextsnake ?newhead ?head)
(not (headsnake ?head))
(not (ispoint ?newhead))
(ispoint ?spawnpoint)
(not (spawn ?spawnpoint))
(spawn ?nextspawnpoint)
(:action move-and-eat-no-spawn
:parameters (?head ?newhead)
(headsnake ?head)
(ISADJACENT ?head ?newhead)
(not (blocked ?newhead))
(ispoint ?newhead)
(spawn dummypoint)
(blocked ?newhead)
(headsnake ?newhead)
(nextsnake ?newhead ?head)
(not (headsnake ?head))
(not (ispoint ?newhead))
(define (problem snake-empty-5x5-1-5-10-11170)
(:domain snake)
pos0-0 pos0-1 pos0-2 pos0-3 pos0-4 pos1-0 pos1-1 pos1-2 pos1-3 pos1-4 pos2-0 pos2-1 pos2-2 pos2-3 pos2-4 pos3-0 pos3-1 pos3-2 pos3-3 pos3-4 pos4-0 pos4-1 pos4-2 pos4-3 pos4-4
(ISADJACENT pos0-0 pos1-0)
(ISADJACENT pos0-0 pos0-1)
(ISADJACENT pos0-1 pos1-1)
(ISADJACENT pos0-1 pos0-2)
(ISADJACENT pos0-1 pos0-0)
(ISADJACENT pos0-2 pos1-2)
(ISADJACENT pos0-2 pos0-3)
(ISADJACENT pos0-2 pos0-1)
(ISADJACENT pos0-3 pos1-3)
(ISADJACENT pos0-3 pos0-4)
(ISADJACENT pos0-3 pos0-2)
(ISADJACENT pos0-4 pos1-4)
(ISADJACENT pos0-4 pos0-3)
(ISADJACENT pos1-0 pos2-0)
(ISADJACENT pos1-0 pos1-1)
(ISADJACENT pos1-0 pos0-0)
(ISADJACENT pos1-1 pos2-1)
(ISADJACENT pos1-1 pos1-2)
(ISADJACENT pos1-1 pos0-1)
(ISADJACENT pos1-1 pos1-0)
(ISADJACENT pos1-2 pos2-2)
(ISADJACENT pos1-2 pos1-3)
(ISADJACENT pos1-2 pos0-2)
(ISADJACENT pos1-2 pos1-1)
(ISADJACENT pos1-3 pos2-3)
(ISADJACENT pos1-3 pos1-4)
(ISADJACENT pos1-3 pos0-3)
(ISADJACENT pos1-3 pos1-2)
(ISADJACENT pos1-4 pos2-4)
(ISADJACENT pos1-4 pos0-4)
(ISADJACENT pos1-4 pos1-3)
(ISADJACENT pos2-0 pos3-0)
(ISADJACENT pos2-0 pos2-1)
(ISADJACENT pos2-0 pos1-0)
(ISADJACENT pos2-1 pos3-1)
(ISADJACENT pos2-1 pos2-2)
(ISADJACENT pos2-1 pos1-1)
(ISADJACENT pos2-1 pos2-0)
(ISADJACENT pos2-2 pos3-2)
(ISADJACENT pos2-2 pos2-3)
(ISADJACENT pos2-2 pos1-2)
(ISADJACENT pos2-2 pos2-1)
(ISADJACENT pos2-3 pos3-3)
(ISADJACENT pos2-3 pos2-4)
(ISADJACENT pos2-3 pos1-3)
(ISADJACENT pos2-3 pos2-2)
(ISADJACENT pos2-4 pos3-4)
(ISADJACENT pos2-4 pos1-4)
(ISADJACENT pos2-4 pos2-3)
(ISADJACENT pos3-0 pos4-0)
(ISADJACENT pos3-0 pos3-1)
(ISADJACENT pos3-0 pos2-0)
(ISADJACENT pos3-1 pos4-1)
(ISADJACENT pos3-1 pos3-2)
(ISADJACENT pos3-1 pos2-1)
(ISADJACENT pos3-1 pos3-0)
(ISADJACENT pos3-2 pos4-2)
(ISADJACENT pos3-2 pos3-3)
(ISADJACENT pos3-2 pos2-2)
(ISADJACENT pos3-2 pos3-1)
(ISADJACENT pos3-3 pos4-3)
(ISADJACENT pos3-3 pos3-4)
(ISADJACENT pos3-3 pos2-3)
(ISADJACENT pos3-3 pos3-2)
(ISADJACENT pos3-4 pos4-4)
(ISADJACENT pos3-4 pos2-4)
(ISADJACENT pos3-4 pos3-3)
(ISADJACENT pos4-0 pos4-1)
(ISADJACENT pos4-0 pos3-0)
(ISADJACENT pos4-1 pos4-2)
(ISADJACENT pos4-1 pos3-1)
(ISADJACENT pos4-1 pos4-0)
(ISADJACENT pos4-2 pos4-3)
(ISADJACENT pos4-2 pos3-2)
(ISADJACENT pos4-2 pos4-1)
(ISADJACENT pos4-3 pos4-4)
(ISADJACENT pos4-3 pos3-3)
(ISADJACENT pos4-3 pos4-2)
(ISADJACENT pos4-4 pos3-4)
(ISADJACENT pos4-4 pos4-3)
(tailsnake pos3-0)
(headsnake pos4-0)
(nextsnake pos4-0 pos3-0)
(blocked pos3-0)
(blocked pos4-0)
(spawn pos2-0)
(NEXTSPAWN pos1-0 dummypoint)
(NEXTSPAWN pos2-0 pos1-4)
(NEXTSPAWN pos1-4 pos1-1)
(NEXTSPAWN pos1-1 pos0-1)
(NEXTSPAWN pos0-1 pos3-3)
(NEXTSPAWN pos3-3 pos4-2)
(NEXTSPAWN pos4-2 pos3-4)
(NEXTSPAWN pos3-4 pos0-0)
(NEXTSPAWN pos0-0 pos1-2)
(NEXTSPAWN pos1-2 pos1-0)
(ispoint pos0-4)
(ispoint pos3-1)
(ispoint pos1-3)
(ispoint pos2-4)
(ispoint pos4-1)
(not (ispoint pos0-4))
(not (ispoint pos3-1))
(not (ispoint pos1-3))
(not (ispoint pos2-4))
(not (ispoint pos4-1))
(not (ispoint pos2-0))
(not (ispoint pos1-4))
(not (ispoint pos1-1))
(not (ispoint pos0-1))
(not (ispoint pos3-3))
(not (ispoint pos4-2))
(not (ispoint pos3-4))
(not (ispoint pos0-0))
(not (ispoint pos1-2))
(not (ispoint pos1-0))
Rejected: /tmp/in/domain-snake.pddl at line 26
(define (domain ricochet-robots)
(:requirements :typing :adl :action-costs)
robot - object
cell - object
direction - object
;; ?cnext is right next to ?c in the direction of ?dir
(NEXT ?c - cell ?cnext - cell ?dir - direction)
;; moving from ?c in the direction ?dir is blocked
(BLOCKED ?c - cell ?dir - direction)
;; Robot ?r is located in the cell ?c
(at ?r - robot ?c - cell)
;; No robot is located in the cell ?c
(free ?c - cell)
;; No robot is moving anywhere
;; Robot ?r is moving in the direction ?dir
(is-moving ?r - robot ?dir - direction)
(total-cost) - number
;; The costs of actions are configurable.
;; If we want to count only the number of movements of robots instead of
;; counting all steps from a cell to cell (as it would be in the real
;; game), then we need to set
;; (= (go-cost) 1)
;; (= (step-cost) 0)
;; (= (stop-cost) 0)
(go-cost) - number
(step-cost) - number
(stop-cost) - number
;; Starts movement of the robot ?r in the direction ?dir
(:action go
:parameters (?r - robot ?dir - direction)
;; If we want to make sure that the robot can actually make a step
;; in the specified direction, then we need to add the following
;; (and the corresponding parameters ?cfrom and ?cto):
;; (at ?r ?cfrom)
;; (NEXT ?cfrom ?cto ?dir)
;; (free ?cto)
;; (not (BLOCKED ?cfrom ?dir))
(not (nothing-is-moving))
(is-moving ?r ?dir)
(increase (total-cost) (go-cost))
;; Make one step from the cell ?cfrom to the cell ?cto with the robot ?r
;; Robot is allowed to make the step only if it is the (only) one currently
;; moving, and it is moving in the direction ?dir
(:action step
:parameters (?r - robot ?cfrom - cell ?cto - cell ?dir - direction)
(is-moving ?r ?dir)
(at ?r ?cfrom)
(NEXT ?cfrom ?cto ?dir)
(free ?cto)
(not (BLOCKED ?cfrom ?dir))
(not (at ?r ?cfrom))
(free ?cfrom)
(not (free ?cto))
(at ?r ?cto)
(increase (total-cost) (step-cost))
;; Stopping of the robot is split between
;; (i) stop-at-barrier which stops the robot if it cannot move further due to
;; a barrier expressed with (BLOCKED ...) predicate
;; (ii) stop-at-robot which stops the robot if the next step is blocked by
;; another robot
(:action stop-at-barrier
:parameters (?r - robot ?cat - cell ?dir - direction)
(is-moving ?r ?dir)
(at ?r ?cat)
(BLOCKED ?cat ?dir)
(not (is-moving ?r ?dir))
(increase (total-cost) (stop-cost))
(:action stop-at-robot
:parameters (?r - robot ?cat - cell ?cnext - cell ?dir - direction)
(is-moving ?r ?dir)
(at ?r ?cat)
(NEXT ?cat ?cnext ?dir)
(not (free ?cnext))
(not (is-moving ?r ?dir))
(increase (total-cost) (stop-cost))
;; Generated from file 001-ricochetrobot-12-0.asp from the ASP competition 2015
;; +xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+
;; xR1| x | | | | | | | x | | | | |R3x
;; +--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+
;; x | | | x | | | | | | | | | x | x
;; +--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | x | | | | | | | | x | | | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | | | | | x | | | | | | | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+
;; x | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | | | | | | |G1| | | | | | | x
;; +xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | x | | | | | | | | | | x | x
;; +--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+xx+xx+--+xx+--+--+xx+--+--+
;; x | | | | | | x | x | x | | | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | | | | | x | x | | | | | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+
;; x | | | x | | | | | | | | | | | x
;; +--+xx+--+--+xx+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+
;; x | x | | | | | x | | | | x | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | | | | | | | | | x | | | | x
;; +xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | | | | | | | | | | | | x | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+
;; x | | | | | x | | | | | | | | | x
;; +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; x | | x | | | | | | x | | | | | x
;; +--+--+xx+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
;; xR2| | | x | | | | | | | x | | |R4x
;; +xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+xx+
(define (problem ricochet-robots-16x16-12-759989)
(:domain ricochet-robots)
cell-1-1 cell-1-2 cell-1-3 cell-1-4 cell-1-5 cell-1-6 cell-1-7 cell-1-8 cell-1-9 cell-1-10 cell-1-11 cell-1-12 cell-1-13 cell-1-14 cell-1-15 cell-1-16 cell-2-1 cell-2-2 cell-2-3 cell-2-4 cell-2-5 cell-2-6 cell-2-7 cell-2-8 cell-2-9 cell-2-10 cell-2-11 cell-2-12 cell-2-13 cell-2-14 cell-2-15 cell-2-16 cell-3-1 cell-3-2 cell-3-3 cell-3-4 cell-3-5 cell-3-6 cell-3-7 cell-3-8 cell-3-9 cell-3-10 cell-3-11 cell-3-12 cell-3-13 cell-3-14 cell-3-15 cell-3-16 cell-4-1 cell-4-2 cell-4-3 cell-4-4 cell-4-5 cell-4-6 cell-4-7 cell-4-8 cell-4-9 cell-4-10 cell-4-11 cell-4-12 cell-4-13 cell-4-14 cell-4-15 cell-4-16 cell-5-1 cell-5-2 cell-5-3 cell-5-4 cell-5-5 cell-5-6 cell-5-7 cell-5-8 cell-5-9 cell-5-10 cell-5-11 cell-5-12 cell-5-13 cell-5-14 cell-5-15 cell-5-16 cell-6-1 cell-6-2 cell-6-3 cell-6-4 cell-6-5 cell-6-6 cell-6-7 cell-6-8 cell-6-9 cell-6-10 cell-6-11 cell-6-12 cell-6-13 cell-6-14 cell-6-15 cell-6-16 cell-7-1 cell-7-2 cell-7-3 cell-7-4 cell-7-5 cell-7-6 cell-7-7 cell-7-8 cell-7-9 cell-7-10 cell-7-11 cell-7-12 cell-7-13 cell-7-14 cell-7-15 cell-7-16 cell-8-1 cell-8-2 cell-8-3 cell-8-4 cell-8-5 cell-8-6 cell-8-7 cell-8-8 cell-8-9 cell-8-10 cell-8-11 cell-8-12 cell-8-13 cell-8-14 cell-8-15 cell-8-16 cell-9-1 cell-9-2 cell-9-3 cell-9-4 cell-9-5 cell-9-6 cell-9-7 cell-9-8 cell-9-9 cell-9-10 cell-9-11 cell-9-12 cell-9-13 cell-9-14 cell-9-15 cell-9-16 cell-10-1 cell-10-2 cell-10-3 cell-10-4 cell-10-5 cell-10-6 cell-10-7 cell-10-8 cell-10-9 cell-10-10 cell-10-11 cell-10-12 cell-10-13 cell-10-14 cell-10-15 cell-10-16 cell-11-1 cell-11-2 cell-11-3 cell-11-4 cell-11-5 cell-11-6 cell-11-7 cell-11-8 cell-11-9 cell-11-10 cell-11-11 cell-11-12 cell-11-13 cell-11-14 cell-11-15 cell-11-16 cell-12-1 cell-12-2 cell-12-3 cell-12-4 cell-12-5 cell-12-6 cell-12-7 cell-12-8 cell-12-9 cell-12-10 cell-12-11 cell-12-12 cell-12-13 cell-12-14 cell-12-15 cell-12-16 cell-13-1 cell-13-2 cell-13-3 cell-13-4 cell-13-5 cell-13-6 cell-13-7 cell-13-8 cell-13-9 cell-13-10 cell-13-11 cell-13-12 cell-13-13 cell-13-14 cell-13-15 cell-13-16 cell-14-1 cell-14-2 cell-14-3 cell-14-4 cell-14-5 cell-14-6 cell-14-7 cell-14-8 cell-14-9 cell-14-10 cell-14-11 cell-14-12 cell-14-13 cell-14-14 cell-14-15 cell-14-16 cell-15-1 cell-15-2 cell-15-3 cell-15-4 cell-15-5 cell-15-6 cell-15-7 cell-15-8 cell-15-9 cell-15-10 cell-15-11 cell-15-12 cell-15-13 cell-15-14 cell-15-15 cell-15-16 cell-16-1 cell-16-2 cell-16-3 cell-16-4 cell-16-5 cell-16-6 cell-16-7 cell-16-8 cell-16-9 cell-16-10 cell-16-11 cell-16-12 cell-16-13 cell-16-14 cell-16-15 cell-16-16 - cell
robot-2 robot-3 robot-1 robot-4 - robot
west east north south - direction
(NEXT cell-1-1 cell-1-2 south)
(NEXT cell-1-2 cell-1-3 south)
(NEXT cell-1-3 cell-1-4 south)
(NEXT cell-1-4 cell-1-5 south)
(NEXT cell-1-5 cell-1-6 south)
(NEXT cell-1-6 cell-1-7 south)
(NEXT cell-1-7 cell-1-8 south)
(NEXT cell-1-8 cell-1-9 south)
(NEXT cell-1-9 cell-1-10 south)
(NEXT cell-1-10 cell-1-11 south)
(NEXT cell-1-11 cell-1-12 south)
(NEXT cell-1-12 cell-1-13 south)
(NEXT cell-1-13 cell-1-14 south)
(NEXT cell-1-14 cell-1-15 south)
(NEXT cell-1-15 cell-1-16 south)
(NEXT cell-2-1 cell-2-2 south)
(NEXT cell-2-2 cell-2-3 south)
(NEXT cell-2-3 cell-2-4 south)
(NEXT cell-2-4 cell-2-5 south)
(NEXT cell-2-5 cell-2-6 south)
(NEXT cell-2-6 cell-2-7 south)
(NEXT cell-2-7 cell-2-8 south)
(NEXT cell-2-8 cell-2-9 south)
(NEXT cell-2-9 cell-2-10 south)
(NEXT cell-2-10 cell-2-11 south)
(NEXT cell-2-11 cell-2-12 south)
(NEXT cell-2-12 cell-2-13 south)
(NEXT cell-2-13 cell-2-14 south)
(NEXT cell-2-14 cell-2-15 south)
(NEXT cell-2-15 cell-2-16 south)
(NEXT cell-3-1 cell-3-2 south)
(NEXT cell-3-2 cell-3-3 south)
(NEXT cell-3-3 cell-3-4 south)
(NEXT cell-3-4 cell-3-5 south)
(NEXT cell-3-5 cell-3-6 south)
(NEXT cell-3-6 cell-3-7 south)
(NEXT cell-3-7 cell-3-8 south)
(NEXT cell-3-8 cell-3-9 south)
(NEXT cell-3-9 cell-3-10 south)
(NEXT cell-3-10 cell-3-11 south)
(NEXT cell-3-11 cell-3-12 south)
(NEXT cell-3-12 cell-3-13 south)
(NEXT cell-3-13 cell-3-14 south)
(NEXT cell-3-14 cell-3-15 south)
(NEXT cell-3-15 cell-3-16 south)
(NEXT cell-4-1 cell-4-2 south)
(NEXT cell-4-2 cell-4-3 south)
(NEXT cell-4-3 cell-4-4 south)
(NEXT cell-4-4 cell-4-5 south)
(NEXT cell-4-5 cell-4-6 south)
(NEXT cell-4-6 cell-4-7 south)
(NEXT cell-4-7 cell-4-8 south)
(NEXT cell-4-8 cell-4-9 south)
(NEXT cell-4-9 cell-4-10 south)
(NEXT cell-4-10 cell-4-11 south)
(NEXT cell-4-11 cell-4-12 south)
(NEXT cell-4-12 cell-4-13 south)
(NEXT cell-4-13 cell-4-14 south)
(NEXT cell-4-14 cell-4-15 south)
(NEXT cell-4-15 cell-4-16 south)
(NEXT cell-5-1 cell-5-2 south)
(NEXT cell-5-2 cell-5-3 south)
(NEXT cell-5-3 cell-5-4 south)
(NEXT cell-5-4 cell-5-5 south)
(NEXT cell-5-5 cell-5-6 south)
(NEXT cell-5-6 cell-5-7 south)
(NEXT cell-5-7 cell-5-8 south)
(NEXT cell-5-8 cell-5-9 south)
(NEXT cell-5-9 cell-5-10 south)
(NEXT cell-5-10 cell-5-11 south)
(NEXT cell-5-11 cell-5-12 south)
(NEXT cell-5-12 cell-5-13 south)
(NEXT cell-5-13 cell-5-14 south)
(NEXT cell-5-14 cell-5-15 south)
(NEXT cell-5-15 cell-5-16 south)
(NEXT cell-6-1 cell-6-2 south)
(NEXT cell-6-2 cell-6-3 south)
(NEXT cell-6-3 cell-6-4 south)
(NEXT cell-6-4 cell-6-5 south)
(NEXT cell-6-5 cell-6-6 south)
(NEXT cell-6-6 cell-6-7 south)
(NEXT cell-6-7 cell-6-8 south)
(NEXT cell-6-8 cell-6-9 south)
(NEXT cell-6-9 cell-6-10 south)
(NEXT cell-6-10 cell-6-11 south)
(NEXT cell-6-11 cell-6-12 south)
(NEXT cell-6-12 cell-6-13 south)
(NEXT cell-6-13 cell-6-14 south)
(NEXT cell-6-14 cell-6-15 south)
(NEXT cell-6-15 cell-6-16 south)
(NEXT cell-7-1 cell-7-2 south)
(NEXT cell-7-2 cell-7-3 south)
(NEXT cell-7-3 cell-7-4 south)
(NEXT cell-7-4 cell-7-5 south)
(NEXT cell-7-5 cell-7-6 south)
(NEXT cell-7-6 cell-7-7 south)
(NEXT cell-7-7 cell-7-8 south)
(NEXT cell-7-8 cell-7-9 south)
(NEXT cell-7-9 cell-7-10 south)
(NEXT cell-7-10 cell-7-11 south)
(NEXT cell-7-11 cell-7-12 south)
(NEXT cell-7-12 cell-7-13 south)
(NEXT cell-7-13 cell-7-14 south)
(NEXT cell-7-14 cell-7-15 south)
(NEXT cell-7-15 cell-7-16 south)
(NEXT cell-8-1 cell-8-2 south)
(NEXT cell-8-2 cell-8-3 south)
(NEXT cell-8-3 cell-8-4 south)
(NEXT cell-8-4 cell-8-5 south)
(NEXT cell-8-5 cell-8-6 south)
(NEXT cell-8-6 cell-8-7 south)
(NEXT cell-8-7 cell-8-8 south)
(NEXT cell-8-8 cell-8-9 south)
(NEXT cell-8-9 cell-8-10 south)
(NEXT cell-8-10 cell-8-11 south)
(NEXT cell-8-11 cell-8-12 south)
(NEXT cell-8-12 cell-8-13 south)
(NEXT cell-8-13 cell-8-14 south)
(NEXT cell-8-14 cell-8-15 south)
(NEXT cell-8-15 cell-8-16 south)
(NEXT cell-9-1 cell-9-2 south)
(NEXT cell-9-2 cell-9-3 south)
(NEXT cell-9-3 cell-9-4 south)
(NEXT cell-9-4 cell-9-5 south)
(NEXT cell-9-5 cell-9-6 south)
(NEXT cell-9-6 cell-9-7 south)
(NEXT cell-9-7 cell-9-8 south)
(NEXT cell-9-8 cell-9-9 south)
(NEXT cell-9-9 cell-9-10 south)
(NEXT cell-9-10 cell-9-11 south)
(NEXT cell-9-11 cell-9-12 south)
(NEXT cell-9-12 cell-9-13 south)
(NEXT cell-9-13 cell-9-14 south)
(NEXT cell-9-14 cell-9-15 south)
(NEXT cell-9-15 cell-9-16 south)
(NEXT cell-10-1 cell-10-2 south)
(NEXT cell-10-2 cell-10-3 south)
(NEXT cell-10-3 cell-10-4 south)
(NEXT cell-10-4 cell-10-5 south)
(NEXT cell-10-5 cell-10-6 south)
(NEXT cell-10-6 cell-10-7 south)
(NEXT cell-10-7 cell-10-8 south)
(NEXT cell-10-8 cell-10-9 south)
(NEXT cell-10-9 cell-10-10 south)
(NEXT cell-10-10 cell-10-11 south)
(NEXT cell-10-11 cell-10-12 south)
(NEXT cell-10-12 cell-10-13 south)
(NEXT cell-10-13 cell-10-14 south)
(NEXT cell-10-14 cell-10-15 south)
(NEXT cell-10-15 cell-10-16 south)
(NEXT cell-11-1 cell-11-2 south)
(NEXT cell-11-2 cell-11-3 south)
(NEXT cell-11-3 cell-11-4 south)
(NEXT cell-11-4 cell-11-5 south)
(NEXT cell-11-5 cell-11-6 south)
(NEXT cell-11-6 cell-11-7 south)
(NEXT cell-11-7 cell-11-8 south)
(NEXT cell-11-8 cell-11-9 south)
(NEXT cell-11-9 cell-11-10 south)
(NEXT cell-11-10 cell-11-11 south)
(NEXT cell-11-11 cell-11-12 south)
(NEXT cell-11-12 cell-11-13 south)
(NEXT cell-11-13 cell-11-14 south)
(NEXT cell-11-14 cell-11-15 south)
(NEXT cell-11-15 cell-11-16 south)
(NEXT cell-12-1 cell-12-2 south)
(NEXT cell-12-2 cell-12-3 south)
(NEXT cell-12-3 cell-12-4 south)
(NEXT cell-12-4 cell-12-5 south)
(NEXT cell-12-5 cell-12-6 south)
(NEXT cell-12-6 cell-12-7 south)
(NEXT cell-12-7 cell-12-8 south)
(NEXT cell-12-8 cell-12-9 south)
(NEXT cell-12-9 cell-12-10 south)
(NEXT cell-12-10 cell-12-11 south)
(NEXT cell-12-11 cell-12-12 south)
(NEXT cell-12-12 cell-12-13 south)
(NEXT cell-12-13 cell-12-14 south)
(NEXT cell-12-14 cell-12-15 south)
(NEXT cell-12-15 cell-12-16 south)
(NEXT cell-13-1 cell-13-2 south)
(NEXT cell-13-2 cell-13-3 south)
(NEXT cell-13-3 cell-13-4 south)
(NEXT cell-13-4 cell-13-5 south)
(NEXT cell-13-5 cell-13-6 south)
(NEXT cell-13-6 cell-13-7 south)
(NEXT cell-13-7 cell-13-8 south)
(NEXT cell-13-8 cell-13-9 south)
(NEXT cell-13-9 cell-13-10 south)
(NEXT cell-13-10 cell-13-11 south)
(NEXT cell-13-11 cell-13-12 south)
(NEXT cell-13-12 cell-13-13 south)
(NEXT cell-13-13 cell-13-14 south)
(NEXT cell-13-14 cell-13-15 south)
(NEXT cell-13-15 cell-13-16 south)
(NEXT cell-14-1 cell-14-2 south)
(NEXT cell-14-2 cell-14-3 south)
(NEXT cell-14-3 cell-14-4 south)
(NEXT cell-14-4 cell-14-5 south)
(NEXT cell-14-5 cell-14-6 south)
(NEXT cell-14-6 cell-14-7 south)
(NEXT cell-14-7 cell-14-8 south)
(NEXT cell-14-8 cell-14-9 south)
(NEXT cell-14-9 cell-14-10 south)
(NEXT cell-14-10 cell-14-11 south)
(NEXT cell-14-11 cell-14-12 south)
(NEXT cell-14-12 cell-14-13 south)
(NEXT cell-14-13 cell-14-14 south)
(NEXT cell-14-14 cell-14-15 south)
(NEXT cell-14-15 cell-14-16 south)
(NEXT cell-15-1 cell-15-2 south)
(NEXT cell-15-2 cell-15-3 south)
(NEXT cell-15-3 cell-15-4 south)
(NEXT cell-15-4 cell-15-5 south)
(NEXT cell-15-5 cell-15-6 south)
(NEXT cell-15-6 cell-15-7 south)
(NEXT cell-15-7 cell-15-8 south)
(NEXT cell-15-8 cell-15-9 south)
(NEXT cell-15-9 cell-15-10 south)
(NEXT cell-15-10 cell-15-11 south)
(NEXT cell-15-11 cell-15-12 south)
(NEXT cell-15-12 cell-15-13 south)
(NEXT cell-15-13 cell-15-14 south)
(NEXT cell-15-14 cell-15-15 south)
(NEXT cell-15-15 cell-15-16 south)
(NEXT cell-16-1 cell-16-2 south)
(NEXT cell-16-2 cell-16-3 south)
(NEXT cell-16-3 cell-16-4 south)
(NEXT cell-16-4 cell-16-5 south)
(NEXT cell-16-5 cell-16-6 south)
(NEXT cell-16-6 cell-16-7 south)
(NEXT cell-16-7 cell-16-8 south)
(NEXT cell-16-8 cell-16-9 south)
(NEXT cell-16-9 cell-16-10 south)
(NEXT cell-16-10 cell-16-11 south)
(NEXT cell-16-11 cell-16-12 south)
(NEXT cell-16-12 cell-16-13 south)
(NEXT cell-16-13 cell-16-14 south)
(NEXT cell-16-14 cell-16-15 south)
(NEXT cell-16-15 cell-16-16 south)
(NEXT cell-1-16 cell-1-15 north)
(NEXT cell-1-15 cell-1-14 north)
(NEXT cell-1-14 cell-1-13 north)
(NEXT cell-1-13 cell-1-12 north)
(NEXT cell-1-12 cell-1-11 north)
(NEXT cell-1-11 cell-1-10 north)
(NEXT cell-1-10 cell-1-9 north)
(NEXT cell-1-9 cell-1-8 north)
(NEXT cell-1-8 cell-1-7 north)
(NEXT cell-1-7 cell-1-6 north)
(NEXT cell-1-6 cell-1-5 north)
(NEXT cell-1-5 cell-1-4 north)
(NEXT cell-1-4 cell-1-3 north)
(NEXT cell-1-3 cell-1-2 north)
(NEXT cell-1-2 cell-1-1 north)
(NEXT cell-2-16 cell-2-15 north)
(NEXT cell-2-15 cell-2-14 north)
(NEXT cell-2-14 cell-2-13 north)
(NEXT cell-2-13 cell-2-12 north)
(NEXT cell-2-12 cell-2-11 north)
(NEXT cell-2-11 cell-2-10 north)
(NEXT cell-2-10 cell-2-9 north)
(NEXT cell-2-9 cell-2-8 north)
(NEXT cell-2-8 cell-2-7 north)
(NEXT cell-2-7 cell-2-6 north)
(NEXT cell-2-6 cell-2-5 north)
(NEXT cell-2-5 cell-2-4 north)
(NEXT cell-2-4 cell-2-3 north)
(NEXT cell-2-3 cell-2-2 north)
(NEXT cell-2-2 cell-2-1 north)
(NEXT cell-3-16 cell-3-15 north)
(NEXT cell-3-15 cell-3-14 north)
(NEXT cell-3-14 cell-3-13 north)
(NEXT cell-3-13 cell-3-12 north)
(NEXT cell-3-12 cell-3-11 north)
(NEXT cell-3-11 cell-3-10 north)
(NEXT cell-3-10 cell-3-9 north)
(NEXT cell-3-9 cell-3-8 north)
(NEXT cell-3-8 cell-3-7 north)
(NEXT cell-3-7 cell-3-6 north)
(NEXT cell-3-6 cell-3-5 north)
(NEXT cell-3-5 cell-3-4 north)
(NEXT cell-3-4 cell-3-3 north)
(NEXT cell-3-3 cell-3-2 north)
(NEXT cell-3-2 cell-3-1 north)
(NEXT cell-4-16 cell-4-15 north)
(NEXT cell-4-15 cell-4-14 north)
(NEXT cell-4-14 cell-4-13 north)
(NEXT cell-4-13 cell-4-12 north)
(NEXT cell-4-12 cell-4-11 north)
(NEXT cell-4-11 cell-4-10 north)
(NEXT cell-4-10 cell-4-9 north)
(NEXT cell-4-9 cell-4-8 north)
(NEXT cell-4-8 cell-4-7 north)
(NEXT cell-4-7 cell-4-6 north)
(NEXT cell-4-6 cell-4-5 north)
(NEXT cell-4-5 cell-4-4 north)
(NEXT cell-4-4 cell-4-3 north)
(NEXT cell-4-3 cell-4-2 north)
(NEXT cell-4-2 cell-4-1 north)
(NEXT cell-5-16 cell-5-15 north)
(NEXT cell-5-15 cell-5-14 north)
(NEXT cell-5-14 cell-5-13 north)
(NEXT cell-5-13 cell-5-12 north)
(NEXT cell-5-12 cell-5-11 north)
(NEXT cell-5-11 cell-5-10 north)
(NEXT cell-5-10 cell-5-9 north)
(NEXT cell-5-9 cell-5-8 north)
(NEXT cell-5-8 cell-5-7 north)
(NEXT cell-5-7 cell-5-6 north)
(NEXT cell-5-6 cell-5-5 north)
(NEXT cell-5-5 cell-5-4 north)
(NEXT cell-5-4 cell-5-3 north)
(NEXT cell-5-3 cell-5-2 north)
(NEXT cell-5-2 cell-5-1 north)
(NEXT cell-6-16 cell-6-15 north)
(NEXT cell-6-15 cell-6-14 north)
(NEXT cell-6-14 cell-6-13 north)
(NEXT cell-6-13 cell-6-12 north)
(NEXT cell-6-12 cell-6-11 north)
(NEXT cell-6-11 cell-6-10 north)
(NEXT cell-6-10 cell-6-9 north)
(NEXT cell-6-9 cell-6-8 north)
(NEXT cell-6-8 cell-6-7 north)
(NEXT cell-6-7 cell-6-6 north)
(NEXT cell-6-6 cell-6-5 north)
(NEXT cell-6-5 cell-6-4 north)
(NEXT cell-6-4 cell-6-3 north)
(NEXT cell-6-3 cell-6-2 north)
(NEXT cell-6-2 cell-6-1 north)
(NEXT cell-7-16 cell-7-15 north)
(NEXT cell-7-15 cell-7-14 north)
(NEXT cell-7-14 cell-7-13 north)
(NEXT cell-7-13 cell-7-12 north)
(NEXT cell-7-12 cell-7-11 north)
(NEXT cell-7-11 cell-7-10 north)
(NEXT cell-7-10 cell-7-9 north)
(NEXT cell-7-9 cell-7-8 north)
(NEXT cell-7-8 cell-7-7 north)
(NEXT cell-7-7 cell-7-6 north)
(NEXT cell-7-6 cell-7-5 north)
(NEXT cell-7-5 cell-7-4 north)
(NEXT cell-7-4 cell-7-3 north)
(NEXT cell-7-3 cell-7-2 north)
(NEXT cell-7-2 cell-7-1 north)
(NEXT cell-8-16 cell-8-15 north)
(NEXT cell-8-15 cell-8-14 north)
(NEXT cell-8-14 cell-8-13 north)
(NEXT cell-8-13 cell-8-12 north)
(NEXT cell-8-12 cell-8-11 north)
(NEXT cell-8-11 cell-8-10 north)
(NEXT cell-8-10 cell-8-9 north)
(NEXT cell-8-9 cell-8-8 north)
(NEXT cell-8-8 cell-8-7 north)
(NEXT cell-8-7 cell-8-6 north)
(NEXT cell-8-6 cell-8-5 north)
(NEXT cell-8-5 cell-8-4 north)
(NEXT cell-8-4 cell-8-3 north)
(NEXT cell-8-3 cell-8-2 north)
(NEXT cell-8-2 cell-8-1 north)
(NEXT cell-9-16 cell-9-15 north)
(NEXT cell-9-15 cell-9-14 north)
(NEXT cell-9-14 cell-9-13 north)
(NEXT cell-9-13 cell-9-12 north)
(NEXT cell-9-12 cell-9-11 north)
(NEXT cell-9-11 cell-9-10 north)
(NEXT cell-9-10 cell-9-9 north)
(NEXT cell-9-9 cell-9-8 north)
(NEXT cell-9-8 cell-9-7 north)
(NEXT cell-9-7 cell-9-6 north)
(NEXT cell-9-6 cell-9-5 north)
(NEXT cell-9-5 cell-9-4 north)
(NEXT cell-9-4 cell-9-3 north)
(NEXT cell-9-3 cell-9-2 north)
(NEXT cell-9-2 cell-9-1 north)
(NEXT cell-10-16 cell-10-15 north)
(NEXT cell-10-15 cell-10-14 north)
(NEXT cell-10-14 cell-10-13 north)
(NEXT cell-10-13 cell-10-12 north)
(NEXT cell-10-12 cell-10-11 north)
(NEXT cell-10-11 cell-10-10 north)
(NEXT cell-10-10 cell-10-9 north)
(NEXT cell-10-9 cell-10-8 north)
(NEXT cell-10-8 cell-10-7 north)
(NEXT cell-10-7 cell-10-6 north)
(NEXT cell-10-6 cell-10-5 north)
(NEXT cell-10-5 cell-10-4 north)
(NEXT cell-10-4 cell-10-3 north)
(NEXT cell-10-3 cell-10-2 north)
(NEXT cell-10-2 cell-10-1 north)
(NEXT cell-11-16 cell-11-15 north)
(NEXT cell-11-15 cell-11-14 north)
(NEXT cell-11-14 cell-11-13 north)
(NEXT cell-11-13 cell-11-12 north)
(NEXT cell-11-12 cell-11-11 north)
(NEXT cell-11-11 cell-11-10 north)
(NEXT cell-11-10 cell-11-9 north)
(NEXT cell-11-9 cell-11-8 north)
(NEXT cell-11-8 cell-11-7 north)
(NEXT cell-11-7 cell-11-6 north)
(NEXT cell-11-6 cell-11-5 north)
(NEXT cell-11-5 cell-11-4 north)
(NEXT cell-11-4 cell-11-3 north)
(NEXT cell-11-3 cell-11-2 north)
(NEXT cell-11-2 cell-11-1 north)
(NEXT cell-12-16 cell-12-15 north)
(NEXT cell-12-15 cell-12-14 north)
(NEXT cell-12-14 cell-12-13 north)
(NEXT cell-12-13 cell-12-12 north)
(NEXT cell-12-12 cell-12-11 north)
(NEXT cell-12-11 cell-12-10 north)
(NEXT cell-12-10 cell-12-9 north)
(NEXT cell-12-9 cell-12-8 north)
(NEXT cell-12-8 cell-12-7 north)
(NEXT cell-12-7 cell-12-6 north)
(NEXT cell-12-6 cell-12-5 north)
(NEXT cell-12-5 cell-12-4 north)
(NEXT cell-12-4 cell-12-3 north)
(NEXT cell-12-3 cell-12-2 north)
(NEXT cell-12-2 cell-12-1 north)
(NEXT cell-13-16 cell-13-15 north)
(NEXT cell-13-15 cell-13-14 north)
(NEXT cell-13-14 cell-13-13 north)
(NEXT cell-13-13 cell-13-12 north)
(NEXT cell-13-12 cell-13-11 north)
(NEXT cell-13-11 cell-13-10 north)
(NEXT cell-13-10 cell-13-9 north)
(NEXT cell-13-9 cell-13-8 north)
(NEXT cell-13-8 cell-13-7 north)
(NEXT cell-13-7 cell-13-6 north)
(NEXT cell-13-6 cell-13-5 north)
(NEXT cell-13-5 cell-13-4 north)
(NEXT cell-13-4 cell-13-3 north)
(NEXT cell-13-3 cell-13-2 north)
(NEXT cell-13-2 cell-13-1 north)
(NEXT cell-14-16 cell-14-15 north)
(NEXT cell-14-15 cell-14-14 north)
(NEXT cell-14-14 cell-14-13 north)
(NEXT cell-14-13 cell-14-12 north)
(NEXT cell-14-12 cell-14-11 north)
(NEXT cell-14-11 cell-14-10 north)
(NEXT cell-14-10 cell-14-9 north)
(NEXT cell-14-9 cell-14-8 north)
(NEXT cell-14-8 cell-14-7 north)
(NEXT cell-14-7 cell-14-6 north)
(NEXT cell-14-6 cell-14-5 north)
(NEXT cell-14-5 cell-14-4 north)
(NEXT cell-14-4 cell-14-3 north)
(NEXT cell-14-3 cell-14-2 north)
(NEXT cell-14-2 cell-14-1 north)
(NEXT cell-15-16 cell-15-15 north)
(NEXT cell-15-15 cell-15-14 north)
(NEXT cell-15-14 cell-15-13 north)
(NEXT cell-15-13 cell-15-12 north)
(NEXT cell-15-12 cell-15-11 north)
(NEXT cell-15-11 cell-15-10 north)
(NEXT cell-15-10 cell-15-9 north)
(NEXT cell-15-9 cell-15-8 north)
(NEXT cell-15-8 cell-15-7 north)
(NEXT cell-15-7 cell-15-6 north)
(NEXT cell-15-6 cell-15-5 north)
(NEXT cell-15-5 cell-15-4 north)
(NEXT cell-15-4 cell-15-3 north)
(NEXT cell-15-3 cell-15-2 north)
(NEXT cell-15-2 cell-15-1 north)
(NEXT cell-16-16 cell-16-15 north)
(NEXT cell-16-15 cell-16-14 north)
(NEXT cell-16-14 cell-16-13 north)
(NEXT cell-16-13 cell-16-12 north)
(NEXT cell-16-12 cell-16-11 north)
(NEXT cell-16-11 cell-16-10 north)
(NEXT cell-16-10 cell-16-9 north)
(NEXT cell-16-9 cell-16-8 north)
(NEXT cell-16-8 cell-16-7 north)
(NEXT cell-16-7 cell-16-6 north)
(NEXT cell-16-6 cell-16-5 north)
(NEXT cell-16-5 cell-16-4 north)
(NEXT cell-16-4 cell-16-3 north)
(NEXT cell-16-3 cell-16-2 north)
(NEXT cell-16-2 cell-16-1 north)
(NEXT cell-1-1 cell-2-1 east)
(NEXT cell-2-1 cell-3-1 east)
(NEXT cell-3-1 cell-4-1 east)
(NEXT cell-4-1 cell-5-1 east)
(NEXT cell-5-1 cell-6-1 east)
(NEXT cell-6-1 cell-7-1 east)
(NEXT cell-7-1 cell-8-1 east)
(NEXT cell-8-1 cell-9-1 east)
(NEXT cell-9-1 cell-10-1 east)
(NEXT cell-10-1 cell-11-1 east)
(NEXT cell-11-1 cell-12-1 east)
(NEXT cell-12-1 cell-13-1 east)
(NEXT cell-13-1 cell-14-1 east)
(NEXT cell-14-1 cell-15-1 east)
(NEXT cell-15-1 cell-16-1 east)
(NEXT cell-1-2 cell-2-2 east)
(NEXT cell-2-2 cell-3-2 east)
(NEXT cell-3-2 cell-4-2 east)
(NEXT cell-4-2 cell-5-2 east)
(NEXT cell-5-2 cell-6-2 east)
(NEXT cell-6-2 cell-7-2 east)
(NEXT cell-7-2 cell-8-2 east)
(NEXT cell-8-2 cell-9-2 east)
(NEXT cell-9-2 cell-10-2 east)
(NEXT cell-10-2 cell-11-2 east)
(NEXT cell-11-2 cell-12-2 east)
(NEXT cell-12-2 cell-13-2 east)
(NEXT cell-13-2 cell-14-2 east)
(NEXT cell-14-2 cell-15-2 east)
(NEXT cell-15-2 cell-16-2 east)
(NEXT cell-1-3 cell-2-3 east)
(NEXT cell-2-3 cell-3-3 east)
(NEXT cell-3-3 cell-4-3 east)
(NEXT cell-4-3 cell-5-3 east)
(NEXT cell-5-3 cell-6-3 east)
(NEXT cell-6-3 cell-7-3 east)
(NEXT cell-7-3 cell-8-3 east)
(NEXT cell-8-3 cell-9-3 east)
(NEXT cell-9-3 cell-10-3 east)
(NEXT cell-10-3 cell-11-3 east)
(NEXT cell-11-3 cell-12-3 east)
(NEXT cell-12-3 cell-13-3 east)
(NEXT cell-13-3 cell-14-3 east)
(NEXT cell-14-3 cell-15-3 east)
(NEXT cell-15-3 cell-16-3 east)
(NEXT cell-1-4 cell-2-4 east)
(NEXT cell-2-4 cell-3-4 east)
(NEXT cell-3-4 cell-4-4 east)
(NEXT cell-4-4 cell-5-4 east)
(NEXT cell-5-4 cell-6-4 east)
(NEXT cell-6-4 cell-7-4 east)
(NEXT cell-7-4 cell-8-4 east)
(NEXT cell-8-4 cell-9-4 east)
(NEXT cell-9-4 cell-10-4 east)
(NEXT cell-10-4 cell-11-4 east)
(NEXT cell-11-4 cell-12-4 east)
(NEXT cell-12-4 cell-13-4 east)
(NEXT cell-13-4 cell-14-4 east)
(NEXT cell-14-4 cell-15-4 east)
(NEXT cell-15-4 cell-16-4 east)
(NEXT cell-1-5 cell-2-5 east)
(NEXT cell-2-5 cell-3-5 east)
(NEXT cell-3-5 cell-4-5 east)
(NEXT cell-4-5 cell-5-5 east)
(NEXT cell-5-5 cell-6-5 east)
(NEXT cell-6-5 cell-7-5 east)
(NEXT cell-7-5 cell-8-5 east)
(NEXT cell-8-5 cell-9-5 east)
(NEXT cell-9-5 cell-10-5 east)
(NEXT cell-10-5 cell-11-5 east)
(NEXT cell-11-5 cell-12-5 east)
(NEXT cell-12-5 cell-13-5 east)
(NEXT cell-13-5 cell-14-5 east)
(NEXT cell-14-5 cell-15-5 east)
(NEXT cell-15-5 cell-16-5 east)
(NEXT cell-1-6 cell-2-6 east)
(NEXT cell-2-6 cell-3-6 east)
(NEXT cell-3-6 cell-4-6 east)
(NEXT cell-4-6 cell-5-6 east)
(NEXT cell-5-6 cell-6-6 east)
(NEXT cell-6-6 cell-7-6 east)
(NEXT cell-7-6 cell-8-6 east)
(NEXT cell-8-6 cell-9-6 east)
(NEXT cell-9-6 cell-10-6 east)
(NEXT cell-10-6 cell-11-6 east)
(NEXT cell-11-6 cell-12-6 east)
(NEXT cell-12-6 cell-13-6 east)
(NEXT cell-13-6 cell-14-6 east)
(NEXT cell-14-6 cell-15-6 east)
(NEXT cell-15-6 cell-16-6 east)
(NEXT cell-1-7 cell-2-7 east)
(NEXT cell-2-7 cell-3-7 east)
(NEXT cell-3-7 cell-4-7 east)
(NEXT cell-4-7 cell-5-7 east)
(NEXT cell-5-7 cell-6-7 east)
(NEXT cell-6-7 cell-7-7 east)
(NEXT cell-7-7 cell-8-7 east)
(NEXT cell-8-7 cell-9-7 east)
(NEXT cell-9-7 cell-10-7 east)
(NEXT cell-10-7 cell-11-7 east)
(NEXT cell-11-7 cell-12-7 east)
(NEXT cell-12-7 cell-13-7 east)
(NEXT cell-13-7 cell-14-7 east)
(NEXT cell-14-7 cell-15-7 east)
(NEXT cell-15-7 cell-16-7 east)
(NEXT cell-1-8 cell-2-8 east)
(NEXT cell-2-8 cell-3-8 east)
(NEXT cell-3-8 cell-4-8 east)
(NEXT cell-4-8 cell-5-8 east)
(NEXT cell-5-8 cell-6-8 east)
(NEXT cell-6-8 cell-7-8 east)
(NEXT cell-7-8 cell-8-8 east)
(NEXT cell-8-8 cell-9-8 east)
(NEXT cell-9-8 cell-10-8 east)
(NEXT cell-10-8 cell-11-8 east)
(NEXT cell-11-8 cell-12-8 east)
(NEXT cell-12-8 cell-13-8 east)
(NEXT cell-13-8 cell-14-8 east)
(NEXT cell-14-8 cell-15-8 east)
(NEXT cell-15-8 cell-16-8 east)
(NEXT cell-1-9 cell-2-9 east)
(NEXT cell-2-9 cell-3-9 east)
(NEXT cell-3-9 cell-4-9 east)
(NEXT cell-4-9 cell-5-9 east)
(NEXT cell-5-9 cell-6-9 east)
(NEXT cell-6-9 cell-7-9 east)
(NEXT cell-7-9 cell-8-9 east)
(NEXT cell-8-9 cell-9-9 east)
(NEXT cell-9-9 cell-10-9 east)
(NEXT cell-10-9 cell-11-9 east)
(NEXT cell-11-9 cell-12-9 east)
(NEXT cell-12-9 cell-13-9 east)
(NEXT cell-13-9 cell-14-9 east)
(NEXT cell-14-9 cell-15-9 east)
(NEXT cell-15-9 cell-16-9 east)
(NEXT cell-1-10 cell-2-10 east)
(NEXT cell-2-10 cell-3-10 east)
(NEXT cell-3-10 cell-4-10 east)
(NEXT cell-4-10 cell-5-10 east)
(NEXT cell-5-10 cell-6-10 east)
(NEXT cell-6-10 cell-7-10 east)
(NEXT cell-7-10 cell-8-10 east)
(NEXT cell-8-10 cell-9-10 east)
(NEXT cell-9-10 cell-10-10 east)
(NEXT cell-10-10 cell-11-10 east)
(NEXT cell-11-10 cell-12-10 east)
(NEXT cell-12-10 cell-13-10 east)
(NEXT cell-13-10 cell-14-10 east)
(NEXT cell-14-10 cell-15-10 east)
(NEXT cell-15-10 cell-16-10 east)
(NEXT cell-1-11 cell-2-11 east)
(NEXT cell-2-11 cell-3-11 east)
(NEXT cell-3-11 cell-4-11 east)
(NEXT cell-4-11 cell-5-11 east)
(NEXT cell-5-11 cell-6-11 east)
(NEXT cell-6-11 cell-7-11 east)
(NEXT cell-7-11 cell-8-11 east)
(NEXT cell-8-11 cell-9-11 east)
(NEXT cell-9-11 cell-10-11 east)
(NEXT cell-10-11 cell-11-11 east)
(NEXT cell-11-11 cell-12-11 east)
(NEXT cell-12-11 cell-13-11 east)
(NEXT cell-13-11 cell-14-11 east)
(NEXT cell-14-11 cell-15-11 east)
(NEXT cell-15-11 cell-16-11 east)
(NEXT cell-1-12 cell-2-12 east)
(NEXT cell-2-12 cell-3-12 east)
(NEXT cell-3-12 cell-4-12 east)
(NEXT cell-4-12 cell-5-12 east)
(NEXT cell-5-12 cell-6-12 east)
(NEXT cell-6-12 cell-7-12 east)
(NEXT cell-7-12 cell-8-12 east)
(NEXT cell-8-12 cell-9-12 east)
(NEXT cell-9-12 cell-10-12 east)
(NEXT cell-10-12 cell-11-12 east)
(NEXT cell-11-12 cell-12-12 east)
(NEXT cell-12-12 cell-13-12 east)
(NEXT cell-13-12 cell-14-12 east)
(NEXT cell-14-12 cell-15-12 east)
(NEXT cell-15-12 cell-16-12 east)
(NEXT cell-1-13 cell-2-13 east)
(NEXT cell-2-13 cell-3-13 east)
(NEXT cell-3-13 cell-4-13 east)
(NEXT cell-4-13 cell-5-13 east)
(NEXT cell-5-13 cell-6-13 east)
(NEXT cell-6-13 cell-7-13 east)
(NEXT cell-7-13 cell-8-13 east)
(NEXT cell-8-13 cell-9-13 east)
(NEXT cell-9-13 cell-10-13 east)
(NEXT cell-10-13 cell-11-13 east)
(NEXT cell-11-13 cell-12-13 east)
(NEXT cell-12-13 cell-13-13 east)
(NEXT cell-13-13 cell-14-13 east)
(NEXT cell-14-13 cell-15-13 east)
(NEXT cell-15-13 cell-16-13 east)
(NEXT cell-1-14 cell-2-14 east)
(NEXT cell-2-14 cell-3-14 east)
(NEXT cell-3-14 cell-4-14 east)
(NEXT cell-4-14 cell-5-14 east)
(NEXT cell-5-14 cell-6-14 east)
(NEXT cell-6-14 cell-7-14 east)
(NEXT cell-7-14 cell-8-14 east)
(NEXT cell-8-14 cell-9-14 east)
(NEXT cell-9-14 cell-10-14 east)
(NEXT cell-10-14 cell-11-14 east)
(NEXT cell-11-14 cell-12-14 east)
(NEXT cell-12-14 cell-13-14 east)
(NEXT cell-13-14 cell-14-14 east)
(NEXT cell-14-14 cell-15-14 east)
(NEXT cell-15-14 cell-16-14 east)
(NEXT cell-1-15 cell-2-15 east)
(NEXT cell-2-15 cell-3-15 east)
(NEXT cell-3-15 cell-4-15 east)
(NEXT cell-4-15 cell-5-15 east)
(NEXT cell-5-15 cell-6-15 east)
(NEXT cell-6-15 cell-7-15 east)
(NEXT cell-7-15 cell-8-15 east)
(NEXT cell-8-15 cell-9-15 east)
(NEXT cell-9-15 cell-10-15 east)
(NEXT cell-10-15 cell-11-15 east)
(NEXT cell-11-15 cell-12-15 east)
(NEXT cell-12-15 cell-13-15 east)
(NEXT cell-13-15 cell-14-15 east)
(NEXT cell-14-15 cell-15-15 east)
(NEXT cell-15-15 cell-16-15 east)
(NEXT cell-1-16 cell-2-16 east)
(NEXT cell-2-16 cell-3-16 east)
(NEXT cell-3-16 cell-4-16 east)
(NEXT cell-4-16 cell-5-16 east)
(NEXT cell-5-16 cell-6-16 east)
(NEXT cell-6-16 cell-7-16 east)
(NEXT cell-7-16 cell-8-16 east)
(NEXT cell-8-16 cell-9-16 east)
(NEXT cell-9-16 cell-10-16 east)
(NEXT cell-10-16 cell-11-16 east)
(NEXT cell-11-16 cell-12-16 east)
(NEXT cell-12-16 cell-13-16 east)
(NEXT cell-13-16 cell-14-16 east)
(NEXT cell-14-16 cell-15-16 east)
(NEXT cell-15-16 cell-16-16 east)
(NEXT cell-16-1 cell-15-1 west)
(NEXT cell-15-1 cell-14-1 west)
(NEXT cell-14-1 cell-13-1 west)
(NEXT cell-13-1 cell-12-1 west)
(NEXT cell-12-1 cell-11-1 west)
(NEXT cell-11-1 cell-10-1 west)
(NEXT cell-10-1 cell-9-1 west)
(NEXT cell-9-1 cell-8-1 west)
(NEXT cell-8-1 cell-7-1 west)
(NEXT cell-7-1 cell-6-1 west)
(NEXT cell-6-1 cell-5-1 west)
(NEXT cell-5-1 cell-4-1 west)
(NEXT cell-4-1 cell-3-1 west)
(NEXT cell-3-1 cell-2-1 west)
(NEXT cell-2-1 cell-1-1 west)
(NEXT cell-16-2 cell-15-2 west)
(NEXT cell-15-2 cell-14-2 west)
(NEXT cell-14-2 cell-13-2 west)
(NEXT cell-13-2 cell-12-2 west)
(NEXT cell-12-2 cell-11-2 west)
(NEXT cell-11-2 cell-10-2 west)
(NEXT cell-10-2 cell-9-2 west)
(NEXT cell-9-2 cell-8-2 west)
(NEXT cell-8-2 cell-7-2 west)
(NEXT cell-7-2 cell-6-2 west)
(NEXT cell-6-2 cell-5-2 west)
(NEXT cell-5-2 cell-4-2 west)
(NEXT cell-4-2 cell-3-2 west)
(NEXT cell-3-2 cell-2-2 west)
(NEXT cell-2-2 cell-1-2 west)
(NEXT cell-16-3 cell-15-3 west)
(NEXT cell-15-3 cell-14-3 west)
(NEXT cell-14-3 cell-13-3 west)
(NEXT cell-13-3 cell-12-3 west)
(NEXT cell-12-3 cell-11-3 west)
(NEXT cell-11-3 cell-10-3 west)
(NEXT cell-10-3 cell-9-3 west)
(NEXT cell-9-3 cell-8-3 west)
(NEXT cell-8-3 cell-7-3 west)
(NEXT cell-7-3 cell-6-3 west)
(NEXT cell-6-3 cell-5-3 west)
(NEXT cell-5-3 cell-4-3 west)
(NEXT cell-4-3 cell-3-3 west)
(NEXT cell-3-3 cell-2-3 west)
(NEXT cell-2-3 cell-1-3 west)
(NEXT cell-16-4 cell-15-4 west)
(NEXT cell-15-4 cell-14-4 west)
(NEXT cell-14-4 cell-13-4 west)
(NEXT cell-13-4 cell-12-4 west)
(NEXT cell-12-4 cell-11-4 west)
(NEXT cell-11-4 cell-10-4 west)
(NEXT cell-10-4 cell-9-4 west)
(NEXT cell-9-4 cell-8-4 west)
(NEXT cell-8-4 cell-7-4 west)
(NEXT cell-7-4 cell-6-4 west)
(NEXT cell-6-4 cell-5-4 west)
(NEXT cell-5-4 cell-4-4 west)
(NEXT cell-4-4 cell-3-4 west)
(NEXT cell-3-4 cell-2-4 west)
(NEXT cell-2-4 cell-1-4 west)
(NEXT cell-16-5 cell-15-5 west)
(NEXT cell-15-5 cell-14-5 west)
(NEXT cell-14-5 cell-13-5 west)
(NEXT cell-13-5 cell-12-5 west)
(NEXT cell-12-5 cell-11-5 west)
(NEXT cell-11-5 cell-10-5 west)
(NEXT cell-10-5 cell-9-5 west)
(NEXT cell-9-5 cell-8-5 west)
(NEXT cell-8-5 cell-7-5 west)
(NEXT cell-7-5 cell-6-5 west)
(NEXT cell-6-5 cell-5-5 west)
(NEXT cell-5-5 cell-4-5 west)
(NEXT cell-4-5 cell-3-5 west)
(NEXT cell-3-5 cell-2-5 west)
(NEXT cell-2-5 cell-1-5 west)
(NEXT cell-16-6 cell-15-6 west)
(NEXT cell-15-6 cell-14-6 west)
(NEXT cell-14-6 cell-13-6 west)
(NEXT cell-13-6 cell-12-6 west)
(NEXT cell-12-6 cell-11-6 west)
(NEXT cell-11-6 cell-10-6 west)
(NEXT cell-10-6 cell-9-6 west)
(NEXT cell-9-6 cell-8-6 west)
(NEXT cell-8-6 cell-7-6 west)
(NEXT cell-7-6 cell-6-6 west)
(NEXT cell-6-6 cell-5-6 west)
(NEXT cell-5-6 cell-4-6 west)
(NEXT cell-4-6 cell-3-6 west)
(NEXT cell-3-6 cell-2-6 west)
(NEXT cell-2-6 cell-1-6 west)
(NEXT cell-16-7 cell-15-7 west)
(NEXT cell-15-7 cell-14-7 west)
(NEXT cell-14-7 cell-13-7 west)
(NEXT cell-13-7 cell-12-7 west)
(NEXT cell-12-7 cell-11-7 west)
(NEXT cell-11-7 cell-10-7 west)
(NEXT cell-10-7 cell-9-7 west)
(NEXT cell-9-7 cell-8-7 west)
(NEXT cell-8-7 cell-7-7 west)
(NEXT cell-7-7 cell-6-7 west)
(NEXT cell-6-7 cell-5-7 west)
(NEXT cell-5-7 cell-4-7 west)
(NEXT cell-4-7 cell-3-7 west)
(NEXT cell-3-7 cell-2-7 west)
(NEXT cell-2-7 cell-1-7 west)
(NEXT cell-16-8 cell-15-8 west)
(NEXT cell-15-8 cell-14-8 west)
(NEXT cell-14-8 cell-13-8 west)
(NEXT cell-13-8 cell-12-8 west)
(NEXT cell-12-8 cell-11-8 west)
(NEXT cell-11-8 cell-10-8 west)
(NEXT cell-10-8 cell-9-8 west)
(NEXT cell-9-8 cell-8-8 west)
(NEXT cell-8-8 cell-7-8 west)
(NEXT cell-7-8 cell-6-8 west)
(NEXT cell-6-8 cell-5-8 west)
(NEXT cell-5-8 cell-4-8 west)
(NEXT cell-4-8 cell-3-8 west)
(NEXT cell-3-8 cell-2-8 west)
(NEXT cell-2-8 cell-1-8 west)
(NEXT cell-16-9 cell-15-9 west)
(NEXT cell-15-9 cell-14-9 west)
(NEXT cell-14-9 cell-13-9 west)
(NEXT cell-13-9 cell-12-9 west)
(NEXT cell-12-9 cell-11-9 west)
(NEXT cell-11-9 cell-10-9 west)
(NEXT cell-10-9 cell-9-9 west)
(NEXT cell-9-9 cell-8-9 west)
(NEXT cell-8-9 cell-7-9 west)
(NEXT cell-7-9 cell-6-9 west)
(NEXT cell-6-9 cell-5-9 west)
(NEXT cell-5-9 cell-4-9 west)
(NEXT cell-4-9 cell-3-9 west)
(NEXT cell-3-9 cell-2-9 west)
(NEXT cell-2-9 cell-1-9 west)
(NEXT cell-16-10 cell-15-10 west)
(NEXT cell-15-10 cell-14-10 west)
(NEXT cell-14-10 cell-13-10 west)
(NEXT cell-13-10 cell-12-10 west)
(NEXT cell-12-10 cell-11-10 west)
(NEXT cell-11-10 cell-10-10 west)
(NEXT cell-10-10 cell-9-10 west)
(NEXT cell-9-10 cell-8-10 west)
(NEXT cell-8-10 cell-7-10 west)
(NEXT cell-7-10 cell-6-10 west)
(NEXT cell-6-10 cell-5-10 west)
(NEXT cell-5-10 cell-4-10 west)
(NEXT cell-4-10 cell-3-10 west)
(NEXT cell-3-10 cell-2-10 west)
(NEXT cell-2-10 cell-1-10 west)
(NEXT cell-16-11 cell-15-11 west)
(NEXT cell-15-11 cell-14-11 west)
(NEXT cell-14-11 cell-13-11 west)
(NEXT cell-13-11 cell-12-11 west)
(NEXT cell-12-11 cell-11-11 west)
(NEXT cell-11-11 cell-10-11 west)
(NEXT cell-10-11 cell-9-11 west)
(NEXT cell-9-11 cell-8-11 west)
(NEXT cell-8-11 cell-7-11 west)
(NEXT cell-7-11 cell-6-11 west)
(NEXT cell-6-11 cell-5-11 west)
(NEXT cell-5-11 cell-4-11 west)
(NEXT cell-4-11 cell-3-11 west)
(NEXT cell-3-11 cell-2-11 west)
(NEXT cell-2-11 cell-1-11 west)
(NEXT cell-16-12 cell-15-12 west)
(NEXT cell-15-12 cell-14-12 west)
(NEXT cell-14-12 cell-13-12 west)
(NEXT cell-13-12 cell-12-12 west)
(NEXT cell-12-12 cell-11-12 west)
(NEXT cell-11-12 cell-10-12 west)
(NEXT cell-10-12 cell-9-12 west)
(NEXT cell-9-12 cell-8-12 west)
(NEXT cell-8-12 cell-7-12 west)
(NEXT cell-7-12 cell-6-12 west)
(NEXT cell-6-12 cell-5-12 west)
(NEXT cell-5-12 cell-4-12 west)
(NEXT cell-4-12 cell-3-12 west)
(NEXT cell-3-12 cell-2-12 west)
(NEXT cell-2-12 cell-1-12 west)
(NEXT cell-16-13 cell-15-13 west)
(NEXT cell-15-13 cell-14-13 west)
(NEXT cell-14-13 cell-13-13 west)
(NEXT cell-13-13 cell-12-13 west)
(NEXT cell-12-13 cell-11-13 west)
(NEXT cell-11-13 cell-10-13 west)
(NEXT cell-10-13 cell-9-13 west)
(NEXT cell-9-13 cell-8-13 west)
(NEXT cell-8-13 cell-7-13 west)
(NEXT cell-7-13 cell-6-13 west)
(NEXT cell-6-13 cell-5-13 west)
(NEXT cell-5-13 cell-4-13 west)
(NEXT cell-4-13 cell-3-13 west)
(NEXT cell-3-13 cell-2-13 west)
(NEXT cell-2-13 cell-1-13 west)
(NEXT cell-16-14 cell-15-14 west)
(NEXT cell-15-14 cell-14-14 west)
(NEXT cell-14-14 cell-13-14 west)
(NEXT cell-13-14 cell-12-14 west)
(NEXT cell-12-14 cell-11-14 west)
(NEXT cell-11-14 cell-10-14 west)
(NEXT cell-10-14 cell-9-14 west)
(NEXT cell-9-14 cell-8-14 west)
(NEXT cell-8-14 cell-7-14 west)
(NEXT cell-7-14 cell-6-14 west)
(NEXT cell-6-14 cell-5-14 west)
(NEXT cell-5-14 cell-4-14 west)
(NEXT cell-4-14 cell-3-14 west)
(NEXT cell-3-14 cell-2-14 west)
(NEXT cell-2-14 cell-1-14 west)
(NEXT cell-16-15 cell-15-15 west)
(NEXT cell-15-15 cell-14-15 west)
(NEXT cell-14-15 cell-13-15 west)
(NEXT cell-13-15 cell-12-15 west)
(NEXT cell-12-15 cell-11-15 west)
(NEXT cell-11-15 cell-10-15 west)
(NEXT cell-10-15 cell-9-15 west)
(NEXT cell-9-15 cell-8-15 west)
(NEXT cell-8-15 cell-7-15 west)
(NEXT cell-7-15 cell-6-15 west)
(NEXT cell-6-15 cell-5-15 west)
(NEXT cell-5-15 cell-4-15 west)
(NEXT cell-4-15 cell-3-15 west)
(NEXT cell-3-15 cell-2-15 west)
(NEXT cell-2-15 cell-1-15 west)
(NEXT cell-16-16 cell-15-16 west)
(NEXT cell-15-16 cell-14-16 west)
(NEXT cell-14-16 cell-13-16 west)
(NEXT cell-13-16 cell-12-16 west)
(NEXT cell-12-16 cell-11-16 west)
(NEXT cell-11-16 cell-10-16 west)
(NEXT cell-10-16 cell-9-16 west)
(NEXT cell-9-16 cell-8-16 west)
(NEXT cell-8-16 cell-7-16 west)
(NEXT cell-7-16 cell-6-16 west)
(NEXT cell-6-16 cell-5-16 west)
(NEXT cell-5-16 cell-4-16 west)
(NEXT cell-4-16 cell-3-16 west)
(NEXT cell-3-16 cell-2-16 west)
(NEXT cell-2-16 cell-1-16 west)
(BLOCKED cell-1-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-1-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-2-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-2-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-3-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-3-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-4-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-4-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-5-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-5-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-6-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-6-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-7-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-7-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-8-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-8-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-9-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-9-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-10-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-10-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-11-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-11-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-12-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-12-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-13-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-13-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-14-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-14-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-15-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-15-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-16-1 north)
(BLOCKED cell-16-16 south)
(BLOCKED cell-1-1 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-1 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-2 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-2 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-3 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-3 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-4 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-4 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-5 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-5 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-6 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-6 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-7 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-7 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-8 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-8 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-9 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-9 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-10 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-10 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-11 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-11 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-12 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-12 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-13 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-13 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-14 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-14 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-15 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-15 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-16 west)
(BLOCKED cell-16-16 east)
(BLOCKED cell-1-12 south)
(BLOCKED cell-1-13 north)
(BLOCKED cell-1-6 south)
(BLOCKED cell-1-7 north)
(BLOCKED cell-10-1 east)
(BLOCKED cell-11-1 west)
(BLOCKED cell-10-14 south)
(BLOCKED cell-10-15 north)
(BLOCKED cell-10-15 east)
(BLOCKED cell-11-15 west)
(BLOCKED cell-10-8 west)
(BLOCKED cell-9-8 east)
(BLOCKED cell-10-9 west)
(BLOCKED cell-9-9 east)
(BLOCKED cell-11-12 east)
(BLOCKED cell-12-12 west)
(BLOCKED cell-11-12 south)
(BLOCKED cell-11-13 north)
(BLOCKED cell-11-3 east)
(BLOCKED cell-12-3 west)
(BLOCKED cell-11-7 south)
(BLOCKED cell-11-8 north)
(BLOCKED cell-11-8 east)
(BLOCKED cell-12-8 west)
(BLOCKED cell-12-16 east)
(BLOCKED cell-13-16 west)
(BLOCKED cell-12-3 south)
(BLOCKED cell-12-4 north)
(BLOCKED cell-13-11 east)
(BLOCKED cell-14-11 west)
(BLOCKED cell-14-10 south)
(BLOCKED cell-14-11 north)
(BLOCKED cell-14-13 east)
(BLOCKED cell-15-13 west)
(BLOCKED cell-14-2 east)
(BLOCKED cell-15-2 west)
(BLOCKED cell-14-7 east)
(BLOCKED cell-15-7 west)
(BLOCKED cell-14-7 south)
(BLOCKED cell-14-8 north)
(BLOCKED cell-15-1 south)
(BLOCKED cell-15-2 north)
(BLOCKED cell-15-13 south)
(BLOCKED cell-15-14 north)
(BLOCKED cell-16-4 south)
(BLOCKED cell-16-5 north)
(BLOCKED cell-16-9 south)
(BLOCKED cell-16-10 north)
(BLOCKED cell-2-1 east)
(BLOCKED cell-3-1 west)
(BLOCKED cell-2-10 south)
(BLOCKED cell-2-11 north)
(BLOCKED cell-2-11 east)
(BLOCKED cell-3-11 west)
(BLOCKED cell-2-2 south)
(BLOCKED cell-2-3 north)
(BLOCKED cell-2-3 east)
(BLOCKED cell-3-3 west)
(BLOCKED cell-3-15 east)
(BLOCKED cell-4-15 west)
(BLOCKED cell-3-15 south)
(BLOCKED cell-3-16 north)
(BLOCKED cell-3-7 east)
(BLOCKED cell-4-7 west)
(BLOCKED cell-4-10 east)
(BLOCKED cell-5-10 west)
(BLOCKED cell-4-16 east)
(BLOCKED cell-5-16 west)
(BLOCKED cell-4-2 east)
(BLOCKED cell-5-2 west)
(BLOCKED cell-4-7 south)
(BLOCKED cell-4-8 north)
(BLOCKED cell-5-1 south)
(BLOCKED cell-5-2 north)
(BLOCKED cell-5-10 south)
(BLOCKED cell-5-11 north)
(BLOCKED cell-6-14 east)
(BLOCKED cell-7-14 west)
(BLOCKED cell-7-13 south)
(BLOCKED cell-7-14 north)
(BLOCKED cell-7-4 east)
(BLOCKED cell-8-4 west)
(BLOCKED cell-7-4 south)
(BLOCKED cell-7-5 north)
(BLOCKED cell-7-8 east)
(BLOCKED cell-8-8 west)
(BLOCKED cell-7-9 east)
(BLOCKED cell-8-9 west)
(BLOCKED cell-8-10 north)
(BLOCKED cell-8-9 south)
(BLOCKED cell-8-11 east)
(BLOCKED cell-9-11 west)
(BLOCKED cell-8-7 south)
(BLOCKED cell-8-8 north)
(BLOCKED cell-9-10 north)
(BLOCKED cell-9-9 south)
(BLOCKED cell-9-10 south)
(BLOCKED cell-9-11 north)
(BLOCKED cell-9-7 south)
(BLOCKED cell-9-8 north)
(free cell-1-2)
(free cell-1-3)
(free cell-1-4)
(free cell-1-5)
(free cell-1-6)
(free cell-1-7)
(free cell-1-8)
(free cell-1-9)
(free cell-1-10)
(free cell-1-11)
(free cell-1-12)
(free cell-1-13)
(free cell-1-14)
(free cell-1-15)
(free cell-2-1)
(free cell-2-2)
(free cell-2-3)
(free cell-2-4)
(free cell-2-5)
(free cell-2-6)
(free cell-2-7)
(free cell-2-8)
(free cell-2-9)
(free cell-2-10)
(free cell-2-11)
(free cell-2-12)
(free cell-2-13)
(free cell-2-14)
(free cell-2-15)
(free cell-2-16)
(free cell-3-1)
(free cell-3-2)
(free cell-3-3)
(free cell-3-4)
(free cell-3-5)
(free cell-3-6)
(free cell-3-7)
(free cell-3-8)
(free cell-3-9)
(free cell-3-10)
(free cell-3-11)
(free cell-3-12)
(free cell-3-13)
(free cell-3-14)
(free cell-3-15)
(free cell-3-16)
(free cell-4-1)
(free cell-4-2)
(free cell-4-3)
(free cell-4-4)
(free cell-4-5)
(free cell-4-6)
(free cell-4-7)
(free cell-4-8)
(free cell-4-9)
(free cell-4-10)
(free cell-4-11)
(free cell-4-12)
(free cell-4-13)
(free cell-4-14)
(free cell-4-15)
(free cell-4-16)
(free cell-5-1)
(free cell-5-2)
(free cell-5-3)
(free cell-5-4)
(free cell-5-5)
(free cell-5-6)
(free cell-5-7)
(free cell-5-8)
(free cell-5-9)
(free cell-5-10)
(free cell-5-11)
(free cell-5-12)
(free cell-5-13)
(free cell-5-14)
(free cell-5-15)
(free cell-5-16)
(free cell-6-1)
(free cell-6-2)
(free cell-6-3)
(free cell-6-4)
(free cell-6-5)
(free cell-6-6)
(free cell-6-7)
(free cell-6-8)
(free cell-6-9)
(free cell-6-10)
(free cell-6-11)
(free cell-6-12)
(free cell-6-13)
(free cell-6-14)
(free cell-6-15)
(free cell-6-16)
(free cell-7-1)
(free cell-7-2)
(free cell-7-3)
(free cell-7-4)
(free cell-7-5)
(free cell-7-6)
(free cell-7-7)
(free cell-7-8)
(free cell-7-9)
(free cell-7-10)
(free cell-7-11)
(free cell-7-12)
(free cell-7-13)
(free cell-7-14)
(free cell-7-15)
(free cell-7-16)
(free cell-8-1)
(free cell-8-2)
(free cell-8-3)
(free cell-8-4)
(free cell-8-5)
(free cell-8-6)
(free cell-8-7)
(free cell-8-8)
(free cell-8-9)
(free cell-8-10)
(free cell-8-11)
(free cell-8-12)
(free cell-8-13)
(free cell-8-14)
(free cell-8-15)
(free cell-8-16)
(free cell-9-1)
(free cell-9-2)
(free cell-9-3)
(free cell-9-4)
(free cell-9-5)
(free cell-9-6)
(free cell-9-7)
(free cell-9-8)
(free cell-9-9)
(free cell-9-10)
(free cell-9-11)
(free cell-9-12)
(free cell-9-13)
(free cell-9-14)
(free cell-9-15)
(free cell-9-16)
(free cell-10-1)
(free cell-10-2)
(free cell-10-3)
(free cell-10-4)
(free cell-10-5)
(free cell-10-6)
(free cell-10-7)
(free cell-10-8)
(free cell-10-9)
(free cell-10-10)
(free cell-10-11)
(free cell-10-12)
(free cell-10-13)
(free cell-10-14)
(free cell-10-15)
(free cell-10-16)
(free cell-11-1)
(free cell-11-2)
(free cell-11-3)
(free cell-11-4)
(free cell-11-5)
(free cell-11-6)
(free cell-11-7)
(free cell-11-8)
(free cell-11-9)
(free cell-11-10)
(free cell-11-11)
(free cell-11-12)
(free cell-11-13)
(free cell-11-14)
(free cell-11-15)
(free cell-11-16)
(free cell-12-1)
(free cell-12-2)
(free cell-12-3)
(free cell-12-4)
(free cell-12-5)
(free cell-12-6)
(free cell-12-7)
(free cell-12-8)
(free cell-12-9)
(free cell-12-10)
(free cell-12-11)
(free cell-12-12)
(free cell-12-13)
(free cell-12-14)
(free cell-12-15)
(free cell-12-16)
(free cell-13-1)
(free cell-13-2)
(free cell-13-3)
(free cell-13-4)
(free cell-13-5)
(free cell-13-6)
(free cell-13-7)
(free cell-13-8)
(free cell-13-9)
(free cell-13-10)
(free cell-13-11)
(free cell-13-12)
(free cell-13-13)
(free cell-13-14)
(free cell-13-15)
(free cell-13-16)
(free cell-14-1)
(free cell-14-2)
(free cell-14-3)
(free cell-14-4)
(free cell-14-5)
(free cell-14-6)
(free cell-14-7)
(free cell-14-8)
(free cell-14-9)
(free cell-14-10)
(free cell-14-11)
(free cell-14-12)
(free cell-14-13)
(free cell-14-14)
(free cell-14-15)
(free cell-14-16)
(free cell-15-1)
(free cell-15-2)
(free cell-15-3)
(free cell-15-4)
(free cell-15-5)
(free cell-15-6)
(free cell-15-7)
(free cell-15-8)
(free cell-15-9)
(free cell-15-10)
(free cell-15-11)
(free cell-15-12)
(free cell-15-13)
(free cell-15-14)
(free cell-15-15)
(free cell-15-16)
(free cell-16-2)
(free cell-16-3)
(free cell-16-4)
(free cell-16-5)
(free cell-16-6)
(free cell-16-7)
(free cell-16-8)
(free cell-16-9)
(free cell-16-10)
(free cell-16-11)
(free cell-16-12)
(free cell-16-13)
(free cell-16-14)
(free cell-16-15)
(at robot-1 cell-1-1) ;; red
(at robot-2 cell-1-16) ;; blue
(at robot-3 cell-16-1) ;; green
(at robot-4 cell-16-16) ;; yellow
(= (total-cost) 0)
(= (go-cost) 1)
(= (step-cost) 0)
(= (stop-cost) 0)
(at robot-1 cell-9-6)
(:metric minimize (total-cost))
(define (domain simple_types)
(:requirements :strips :typing)
robot location
(at ?r - robot ?l - location)
(connected ?from - location ?to - location)
(:action move
:parameters (?r - robot ?from - location ?to - location)
:precondition (and (at ?r ?from) (connected ?from ?to))
:effect (and (not (at ?r ?from)) (at ?r ?to))
(define (problem simple_problem)
(:domain simple_types)
robot1 - robot
loc1 loc2 - location
(at robot1 loc1)
(connected loc1 loc2)
(at robot1 loc2)
(define (domain simple_types)
(:requirements :strips :typing)
robot location
(at ?r - robot ?l location)
(connected ?from - location ?to - location)
(:action move
:parameters (?r - robot ?from - location ?to - location)
:precondition (and (at ?r ?from) (connected ?from ?to))
:effect (and (not (at ?r ?from)) (at ?r ?to))
(define (problem simple_problem)
(:domain simple_types)
robot1 - robot
loc1 loc2 - location
(at robot1 loc1)
(connected loc1 loc2)
(at robot1 loc2)
Rejected: /tmp/in/domain.pddl at line 9
(define (domain lights)
(:requirements :totola)
(:predicates (light-on) )
(:action turn-on
:parameters ()
:precondition (not (light-on))
:effect (light-on)
(:action turn-off
:parameters ()
:precondition (light-on)
:effect (not (light-on))
(define (problem test-lights)
(:domain lights)
(:init (not (light-on)))
(:goal (light-on))
Rejected: /tmp/in/domain.pddl at line 2
(define (domain lights)
(:requirements :strips :typing :negative-preconditions :equality :existential-preconditions :universal-preconditions :quantified-preconditions :conditional-effects :fluents :numeric-fluents :adl :durative-actions :duration-inequalities :continuous-effects :derived-predicates :timed-inital-literals :preferences :constraints :action-costs)
(:predicates (light-on) )
(:action turn-on
:parameters ()
:precondition (not (light-on))
:effect (light-on)
(:action turn-off
:parameters ()
:precondition (light-on)
:effect (not (light-on))
(define (problem test-lights)
(:domain lights)
(:init (not (light-on)))
(:goal (light-on))
;; Created by Drew McDermott for the IPC-1
;; This is the mystery domain with one extra action:
;; the ability to squirt a unit of fuel from any node to a neighboring node
;; provided the originating node has at least two units.
(define (domain mystery-prime-typed)
; (:requirements :typing :fluents)
(:types food emotion - object
pleasure pain - emotion)
(eats ?n1 ?n2 - food)
(craves ?v - emotion ?n - food)
(fears ?c - pain ?v - pleasure)
; (locale ?n - food ?a - province)
; (harmony ?v - emotion ?s - planet)
; (attacks ?i ?j - province)
; (orbits ?i ?j - planet)
(harmony ?v - emotion)
(locale ?n - food)
(:action overcome
:parameters (?c - pain ?v - pleasure ?n - food)
:precondition (and (craves ?c ?n)
(craves ?v ?n)
(>= (harmony ?v) 1)
:effect (and (not (craves ?c ?n))
(fears ?c ?v)
(decrease (harmony ?v) 1)
(:action feast
:parameters (?v - pleasure ?n1 ?n2 - food)
:precondition (and (craves ?v ?n1)
(eats ?n1 ?n2)
(>= (locale ?n1) 1)
:effect (and (not (craves ?v ?n1))
(craves ?v ?n2)
(decrease (locale ?n1) 1)
(:action succumb
:parameters (?c - pain ?v - pleasure ?n - food)
:precondition (and (fears ?c ?v)
(craves ?v ?n)
:effect (and (not (fears ?c ?v))
(craves ?c ?n)
(increase (harmony ?v) 1)
(:action drink
:parameters (?n1 ?n2 - food)
:precondition (and (>= (locale ?n1) 1))
:effect (and (decrease (locale ?n1) 1)
(increase (locale ?n2) 1))
(define (problem mprime-x-25)
(:domain mystery-prime-typed)
(:objects wurst tuna pistachio chicken - food
expectation rest - pleasure
depression angina - pain
(eats wurst chicken)
(eats tuna pistachio)
(craves angina chicken)
(eats chicken pistachio)
(craves rest pistachio)
(= (locale tuna) 2)
(eats chicken wurst)
(= (harmony expectation) 1)
(craves expectation tuna)
(craves depression wurst)
(eats pistachio wurst)
(eats tuna wurst)
(= (locale wurst) 2)
(eats pistachio tuna)
(eats wurst tuna)
(= (harmony rest) 3)
(eats wurst pistachio)
(eats pistachio chicken)
(= (locale chicken) 2)
(= (locale pistachio) 5))
(:goal (and (craves depression chicken))))
Author: Bruno Ribas e Bruno Ribeiro